Saturday, February 6, 2010

Just starting

My Daughter has started a blog site and I thought I would make my own blogsite so that I can write down ideas that no one will read except the people I make go to my blogsite to read things they do not want to read about.

I am going to mostly post sketches, ideas and doodles of cartoons and some ideas on housing.

I have a business designing homes that I just started with my friend Mike Pilarski. We both worked at Bassenian Lagoni Architects for all of our adult lives and we were laid off about a year ago. Thank you Obama for "Change". Obama never specified that the "Change" would be a GOOD change. Oh well. That is about the extent of political discussions.

I also have another website at and that has a link to my tshirt "store" on zazzle.

I will try to draw a cartoon everyday or at least once a week or at least once a month or at least once a year.

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